Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Blog 1 – Senior Final Lesson/Interview Reflection

1. What three lessons were most helpful for you to see, and why?
  • The first lesson that was one of the most helpful for me to see was Coaching Hockey by Slade Suzuki. I learned very important information about coaching players which relates to fishing to me because when you are fishing, you are sort of coaching the fish to bite and to come in towards you to reel it in so watching Slade's presentation helped a lot.
  • The next lesson that helped was Dog Training presented by Peter Steinwald which gave me an idea of how to work with animals and how to train them or get them to cooperate which you in any situation. 
  • The last lesson that was very helpful to me was Fitness which really gave me a good idea on how to healthy so that I can perform to my full capability throughout the day in any sort of activity.

2. List one thing that you learned about the senior project in interviews that will help you get off to a good start?

  • In all honesty, I wasn't able to interview the seniors because I was pulled out of school early that day, so I missed out on the opportunity to learn valuable information.

3. What topic(s) are you considering, and why?

  • I have one topic taken into consideration that I want to do former which is sport fishing. The reason why I want to do this is because fishing has been with me since I was 2 years old and the passion I have for fishing has only grown. So, I'd like to journey off to learn all about this wonderful sport that there is to know so I can teach my classmates, teachers, and peers about what a wonderful sport this is so they can see the true beauty in just some string and a pole.

4. What EQ do you think might be interesting to consider in guiding a project like this? (Please don't worry about any sort of formula...we want this question to come from your genuine interest).

  • I have roughly came up with this EQ over the week, "What's the most efficient way to have a fun time fishing while being conservative to the environment's species?" 
  • I came up with this EQ to teach the student how to have a fun time because there are almost an infinite amount of things you can do while fishing to make things interesting. Im approaching that question because the first thing that majority of people say about fishing is that it's boring or they can't catch anything. Then, I approached the conservative side because a lot of people complain about a decline in fish species, but their are way to actually increase their population.

5. What are some ideas you have about finding summer mentorship?

  • I have several ideas for mentorship starting off with my father who is a professional fisherman and fishing guide that I can mentor with. My other idea is to mentor with a captain on a commercial fishing vessel so that I can learn as much as possible while at sea.