Thursday, October 29, 2015

Blog 10 - Interview 2 Reflection

Above is the link to my interview. (I resubmitted a working one)

1. Please explain how you are spending your mentorship time (Is it at a workplace or somewhere else?  Are you shadowing?  Are you able to do tasks that are meaningfully related to the topic?  If so, what?  Are there other people who are experts in the location?  Etc...)

- My mentor and I are spending quality time in the place where this field takes place. In fact, we're taking part in this field in a wide range of places having to do with this field as well so we're covering a very wide range. As for others, there are very few experts such as my mentor in my location which make it hard to find one.

2.  How did you find your mentor?  How did you convince this person to help you?   

- Well, my mentor is my father so it didn't take too long and he was't very convinced at first, but he gave in by wanting to increase my sport fishing intelligence.

3. How would you rate your comfort level with your mentor at this point in your relationship?  How does this relate to the time you've spent so far at mentorship/with this person?

- My comfort level is very high since he is my father and it relates to the time spent because we have spent endless hours together.

4. What went well in this interview?  Why do you think so?  What do you still need to improve?  How do you know?  How will you go about it?

- This interview went very well, although some of my interviewee's answer started to get a bit off topic. Maybe I can throw in more follow up questions to keep the interviewee engaged and of well knowledge of the question. That way I can get as much information as possible.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Blog 9 - Advisory Prep 3

1. State whether or not you currently have a mentor, and what the status of your interview is with that person (I have completed the interview, I have scheduled the interview, I have not scheduled the interview, etc).

- I do currently have a mentor, but I need a new one to get the maximum number of information. As for my interviews, I've completed the first one, but not the second one yet.

2. At this point, your research is probably guiding your studies toward more specific areas within your topic.  Name the area or two you find most promising and explain your reasons.   

- Catch and release fishing, and Trout fishing look pretty promising as catch and release has a huge variety of species and ways to catch the fish. There's a lot to build off of that topic and as for trout fishing, trout fish are located almost worldwide and there's a lot of information behind it such as ways to catch them and different types of targeted trout.

3. What kinds of sources do you think will help you in the next month to gain more research depth?  Where will you go to get them?

- I believe that more hands on experience in this field will help me a lot more within the next few months. I will go drive out to new locations to fish at these areas and I will go on my boat as well.

4. Write down a possible EQ.  Please don't worry about wording other than ensuring that it provides the option for multiple correct answers.  At this point, the senior team is most interested in understanding your thought process.

- What's the most effective way to be conservative to our environment while taking part in the sport of fishing?

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Blog 8: Independent Component 1 Proposal

1.  Describe in detail what you plan to do for your 30 hours.

- For my 30 hours, I thought that it'd be great to film sessions of me sport fishing and talking about tips and technique as well as simple information that will all be condensed into a 10-20 minute long video that can be presented like an episode on sport fishing.

2.  Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.

- Well, I'll have a lot of have stored on my GoPro or GoPros as I may buy more. Plus, I will have photos and signed letters of proof by my mentor, that we actually spent a certain amount of time working on filming it all.

3.  Explain how what you will be doing will help you explore your topic in more depth.

- By filming, I get to not only practice sport fishing, but review myself in the sport. I can look over the film/video and watch what I'm doing wrong and how can I perfect it such as a hook set or a perfect flip and pitch cast. Then, I can also do more research on how to do it the right way, or how can I perfect it to be done the right way. 

4.  Update your Senior Project Hours log.

- This will be done immediately.